GPEDC | Action Area 2.7 | Effective Multilateral Support

Report on 'A Space for Change: Partner Perspectives on an Effective Multilateral System' 

Validation Webinar

The GPEDC working group for A.A. 2.7 organised a webinar on 20 July to validate initial findings that will kick-off the write-up of a new report 'A Space for Change: Partner Perspectives on an Effective Multilateral System' that will be launched in September, in the margin of UNGA. At the webinar, a broad range of effective development co-operation stakeholders participated in the webinar, including representatives of MDBs, CSOs, partner countries, bilateral donors and parliaments, among others.

If you missed the webinar, click here to view the full recording.



Whilst the system proves to be effective, effectiveness strictly depends on how partners support it. The report will look at the need to contribute to the global discourse on what an effective multilateral system should look like.

Starting by defining the concept of 'effective donorship' based on existing literature, the report will investigate partners' perceptions on

  1. Why do donors commit to effective donorship and how they execute it and
  2. What is the added value of working with the multilateral system and how it can help to better align with the effectiveness principles.

The main output will be a written report that assesses how donors support the multilateral system and how this aligns with the effectiveness principles.


Meeting documents

To learn more about the report objectives, methodology and initial findings, slides are available here.

More information about the report publication will be shared soon.
