Development co-operation policy:  

National Recovery and Peacebuilding Plan (RCPCA) 2017-2021 

Section 5 contains the modalities of coordination and financing 


Aid Information Management System (AIMS):  

Aid Management System Development 


Development co-operation reports:  

National Report on Sustainable Development 2012 

The purpose of this report is to assess the efforts made by the Central African Republic, 20 years after Rio, in the context of the implementation of Agenda 21. Key criteria have been adopted and allow us to highlight: 

The level of achievements, existing strengths as well as skills in new areas; 

The possibility of consolidating the achievements of sustainable development by placing more emphasis on the principle of the Green Economy; 

The creation of an appropriate partnership and institutional framework for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. 


Development cooperation mechanisms:  




Level and actors  

Objectives and related policies  


Mutual Engagement Framework / Cadre d’engagement mutuel (CEM-RCA) 

National Level 

- governments 

-international, regional and bilateral partners. 


To ensure the coherence and sustained support of the international community for national priorities in accordance with the principles of aid effectiveness as setting out in the New Deal, and to ensure their transparency and accountability.  

Institutional Framework for the RCPCA 


National Level 

- governments   

- all partners for implementing the RCPCA 


Orientation Council (Quarterly) 

- High Level Policy Dialogue 


Joint Steering Committee (Every two months) 

- Strategic coordination at portfolio level 


Three Pillars working groups on specific themes (1 to 3 per month as needed) 

- Technical, programmatic coordination 



The implementation of the RCPCA will require the adoption of flexible institutional arrangements that can adapt to changing needs and opportunities. These arrangements should build on existing mechanisms and lessons learned from previous initiatives. 

initiatives. A coordination system is proposed, based on the following configuration: i) a policy dialogue group, the Policy Board, ii) a Steering Committee Committee for the implementation of the RCPCA, and iii) working groups for the three pillars of the RCPCA 

RCPCA. Sub-groups may be formed for specific sectors within each pillar, as appropriate. within each pillar, as appropriate.