Development Partners Snapshot:





Development policy:

Development co-operation institutions:

The delivery of Norway’s development co-operation is shared largely between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and Norad. The MFA is responsible for formulating policy, while Norad is responsible for implementing and managing grants.






Norway provided USD 4.7 billion  of ODA in 2021, representing 0.93% of GNI. This was a decrease of 11.6% in real terms in volume (when inflation and exchange rate effects are stripped out) and a decrease in the share of GNI from 2020. Norway has been consistently among the top 5 most generous DAC providers since reaching the UN target in 1976. In 2021, Norway fell short of its domestic commitment to allocate 1% of GNI as ODA due to a sharp rise in GNI. However, the government remains committed to this target. Norway provided all of its ODA as grants in 2020.  

Norway ranks 2nd among 29 DAC member countries when ODA is taken as a share of GNI, and 10th in terms of ODA volume. With 0.32% of ODA to GNI committed to the LDCs in 2020, Norway also surpasses the 0.20% UN target and a high share (29.6% of gross bilateral ODA) is allocated to fragile contexts. Norway is also among the DAC members allocating a high share of bilateral ODA as core funding for civil society organisations (CSOs), equal to 7.6% in 2020. 


Global Partnership monitoring trend

Click here for a snapshot of Norway's results from the two most recent Global Partnership monitoring rounds (2018 and 2016). The Global Partnership monitoring process and framework have been revised, and the new round will take place from 2023 to 2026. This profile will be updated periodically as new data is generated by the monitoring exercise.

DAC Performance and Trends - 2019 GPEDC Progress Report



The 2019 OECD-DAC peer review praised Norway’s commitment to global action and the multilateral system. It also commended Norway’s strong support for domestic resource mobilisation, such as its tax for development work. The review recommended that Norway clarify its institutional arrangements and further strengthen its results and knowledge management systems. The next OECD-DAC mid-term review is planned for 2022.