Long-term development vision: 

  • National Vision Plan 
  • General vision for the country with a strong perspective on how tourism can help the country to develop 
  • Portrays development plans for the different administrative regions of St. Lucia 
  • Focuses upon: (1) tourism, (2) culture and heritage, (3) transportation, (4) infrastructure, (5) sustainable land-use 


Medium-term development plan:  

  • Saint Lucia Medium Term Development Strategy 2020 - 2023 
  • Key results areas: (1) To increase agricultural output by 36 percent and export, (2) to increase tourism arrivals and receipts, (3) to provide resilient infrastructure to support socio-economic development, (4) increase the provision of affordable and quality health care, (5) to improve the quality of education and improve the education pathways, (6) to reduce the crime rate and improve the judicial system 


Other development plans: