Development Partners Snapshot:





Development policy:

Development co-operation institutions:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) oversees Sweden’s development co-operation policy and the related budget. Within the MFA, the Department for International Development co-ordinates, although nearly all MFA departments are involved. Sida is the largest implementing agency. 


Ministry of Foreign Affairs



Sweden provided USD 5.9 billion of ODA in 2021, representing 0.92% of GNI. This was a decrease of 15.65% in real terms in volume and a decrease in share of GNI from 2020. Sweden was the first country to meet the UN target of allocating 0.7% of GNI to ODA in 1975 and its allocation has remained consistently above this threshold since then. In 2006, the government set a new target of providing 1% of Sweden’s GNI to ODA. Sweden is also committed, at the European level, to collectively achieve a 0.7% ODA/GNI ratio by 2030. Within Sweden’s ODA portfolio in 2020, 98.64% was provided in the form of grants and 1.36% in the form of non-grants.  

Sweden ranks 3rd among 29 Development Assistance Committee (DAC) member countries when ODA is taken as a share of GNI, and 8th in terms of ODA volume. Among DAC members, it has one of the highest levels of ODA channelled to the LDCs) (0.35% of GNI in 2020). It provides consistently high levels of ODA, investing in long-term partnerships with multilateral and civil society organisations (CSOs). Sweden provides among the highest shares of ODA to and through CSOs within the DAC (32.3% of bilateral ODA in 2020). It also channels a high share of bilateral ODA through multilateral organisations. 


Global Partnership monitoring trend

Click here for a snapshot of Sweden's results from the two most recent Global Partnership monitoring rounds (2018 and 2016). The Global Partnership monitoring process and framework have been revised, and the new round will take place from 2023 to 2026. This profile will be updated periodically as new data is generated by the monitoring exercise.

Use of monitoring results



The 2019 OECD-DAC peer review commended Sweden for its leadership at the international level on peace and conflict prevention, environmental sustainability and climate change, and gender equality. It welcomed Sweden’s co-ordinated approach to addressing the development, humanitarian and peace nexus in fragile and crisis contexts. The review suggested that Sweden consolidate its policy priorities and better capitalise on synergies among its multiple strategies, and that it do more to partner with and use the systems of developing country governments. The next OECD-DAC mid-term review of Sweden is planned for 2022.