• To ensure that all countries can make the most of the ‘Decade of Action’ so no one is left behind, we must continue to improve the quality, impact and effectiveness of development co-operation. Almost all LDCs (43, or 91% of all LDCs) and fragile and conflict affected countries (19, or 95% of all g7+ countries) participated in the 2019 Global Partnership monitoring round, demonstrating their commitment to improve the effectiveness of development co-operation in their countries. Results show some progress but more is needed by the international community to address the effects of the pandemic and combat new and emerging challenges that are context specific.


  • The 5th UN Conference on Least Developed Countries early next year will be another important chance to commit to an effective recovery, by pledging to promote country ownership and results orientation, strengthen inclusive partnerships for development, and increase transparency and mutual accountability.


  • Just as for COVID-19 response and recovery, development effectiveness can and must be an enabler of a net-zero climate-resilient pathway, responding to the emerging needs of the planet. The Global Partnership, and its global multi-stakeholder alliance of effectiveness advocates, have valuable experiences and lessons from the country level using all types of development co-operation that can inform more impactful, inclusive and coordinated climate action.


  • The UN has always worked to draw global attention to global challenges, with every country doing its part. As the HLPF closed with a call for countries to rethink the ‘structure and content of new international economic co-operation’, we are looking forward to the Global Partnership’s 2022 Effectiveness Summit, and working inclusively with partners doing our part for more effective interventions, for people, planet and prosperity.  