Nov 2, 2016

The Making Development Co-operation More Effective: 2016 Progress Reporta joint publication between UNDP and OECD under the auspices of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation, compiles data reported by the governments of the 81 low and middle-income countries and territories that participated in the Global Partnership’s second monitoring round. The report generates evidence on the implementation of agreed principles for effective development co-operation including: a focus on results; country ownership of development priorities; inclusive partnerships for development; and transparency and mutual accountability.

The 2016 monitoring round drew record participation, both in terms of numbers and of diversity: 81 low and middle-income countries; 125 development partners; 74 development organisations; and hundreds of civil society organisations, private sector representatives, trade unions, foundations, parliamentarians and local governments. The data and evidence they generated covers the vast majority (up to 89%) of development co-operation finance programmed for these 81 countries. 

In order to access the Reports please use the following links: 
