The renewed mandate of the Global Partnership stipulates a biennial, costed programme of work to guide the work by the Co-Chairs, Steering Committee and Joint Support Team. The present document was endorsed by the Steering Committee at its 13th meeting in Washington, D.C. on 23-24 April 2017.

Programme of work for 2017 and 2018: A new direction

The biennial programme of work defines targets and responsibilities for the implementation of the work of the Global Partnership in any two-year period. To achieve the ambition of the Partnership as outlined in the Nairobi Outcome Document, the Global Partnership needs to generate momentum in 2017 and 2018 to significantly enhance efforts by all stakeholders to achieve impact at country level; increase high-level political engagement and action across the Partnership; attract greater interest and participation from emerging economies and emerging development partners from the South, the private sector, foundations, Parliamentarians and local government; and secure sufficient funding from across the Global Partnership.

Based on evidence to date and issues emerging from the current development co-operation landscape, the pro-gramme of work is focused on six inter-related and mutually reinforcing strategic outputs for 2017-2018:

Enhanced support to effective development co-operation at country level: Supporting countries in main-streaming effectiveness principles into development co-operation practices and strategically managing diverse development co-operation resources; as well as ensuring that country-level evidence on progress and challeng-es informs multi-stakeholder dialogue at national, regional and global levels to drive political decisions and pro-mote behaviour change.

Unlocking the potential of effectiveness and updated monitoring for 2030: Positioning the Global Partnership as a recognised source of data, evidence and analysis by generating reliable and timely country-level data, boosting effectiveness and addressing the bottlenecks that hinder progress on the implementation of agreed effectiveness principles; as well as refining the monitoring framework to reflect the challenges of the 2030 Agenda, including the distinctive contribution of the increasingly diverse actors in development co-operation.

Sharing knowledge to scale-up innovative development solutions: Bringing together the learning, knowledge and technology available across constituencies to help scale development solutions at a faster pace, building on the progress demonstrated by various countries, development partners and non-state actors across the effec-tiveness principles; as well as strengthening the Partnership’s mutual learning loop to become a “go-to” part-nership for knowledge exchange, making fuller use of knowledge generated to promote mutual accountability and learning.

Scale up private sector engagement leveraged through development co-operation: Leveraging development co-operation to attract inclusive business investments that generate shared benefit for business strategies and development goals; as well as facilitating specialised dialogue to help development partners adapt their practic-es and instruments for engagement with the business sector and to ensure the transparency and accountability of these arrangements to effectively contribute to economic development and poverty reduction.

Learning from different modalities of development co-operation: Enhancing exchanges between constituen-cies engaged in North-South, South-South and Triangular co-operation, recognising their unique characteristics and respective merits, to draw smartly together the diversity of options available across stakeholders to scale up the impact of development co-operation to the level needed to attain the SDGs; as well as facilitating special-ised dialogue to learn from different modalities of development co-operation with specific attention to southern partners and partnership options.

Strengthened high-level political engagement, advocacy, public communication and strategic use of data and evidence: Producing the behaviour change needed to make development co-operation more effective depends on political leadership that is informed by sound evidence and policy recommendations. The Global Partnership will generate political momentum through a combination of advocating for development effectiveness princi-ples at the political level, strategic engagement in global processes, including in the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and strategic public communication of the Global Partnership’s messages and insights.

Co-Chairs’ responsibilities focus on outreach to ensure momentum at the highest political levels. Steering Com-mittee members are expected to champion specific work streams in close consultation and collaboration with their constituencies. The JST is responsible for technical, secretariat and advisory activities necessary for the Co-Chairs and Steering Committee to deliver the programme of work. The financial support necessary for the OECD and UNDP to jointly support the implementation of this work programme is indicated for each output.
