The Sustainable Sri Lanka 2030 Vision is a strategic document which aims at having Sri Lanka, by 2030, become a sustainable, upper-middle-income Indian Ocean hub that is economically prosperous, competitive and advanced, environmentally green and flourishing, and socially inclusive, harmonious, peaceful and just.

This report seeks a holistic approach that shows the key linkages needed to achieve:

  1. A thriving and dynamic economy, providing a good quality of life, that is resource-efficient, stable and resilient to shocks, while respecting critical environmental and social sustainability constraints;
  2. A green environment that builds on Sri Lankan’s traditional respect for nature, and keeps our resource use within the sustainable capacity of the country;
  3. A society that enables us to meet the basic needs of all people while encouraging peace, harmony, reconciliation, inclusion, social justice and security.

The Presidential Expert Committee report describes a practical pathway to reach such a sustainable future by 2030, including sustainability perspectives in the intermediate years 2020 and 2025. PEC team members who are fully conversant with the range of sustainable development topics will continue to follow an inclusive process by systematically consulting all relevant stakeholders, thereby ensuring wide ownership of the emerging path towards the vision of Sri Lanka in 2030.
