5th Steering Committee Meeting of the Global Partnership


The fifth Global Partnership Steering Committee meeting was hosted by Global Partnership Co-Chair and Nigerian Finance Minister Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala in Abuja, Nigeria on 13-14 February 2014. The meeting marks the final gathering of the Global Partnership’s leading body before the first High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership.

In Abuja the Steering Committee:

  • created consensus around and momentum towards the political vision for the first High-Level Meeting;
  • identified remaining practical actions to take before the High-Level Meeting; and,
  • looked at preliminary results from the first Global Partnership monitoring exercise to craft key messages for the Mexico meeting.

The 18 representatives of 161 Governments and 54 organisations that have endorsed the Global Partnership also discussed recent global and regional initiatives on the implementation of the Busan commitments and shared information on their own efforts to make development co-operation more effective.

Video recordings of the meetings are available to view
