
The Global Partnership is organizing a global webinar series on different aspects of effective development co-operation at country level to enable mutual learning and sharing of insights across practitioners and policy makers and to cultivate a stronger community of practice on effective development co-operation. The webinars target a multi-stakeholder audience from partner country and development partner governments to parliamentarians, civil society and the private sector who are engaged in development co-operation.


To kick off the series, the first webinar will focus on partner country perspectives on the most pressing effectiveness issues, challenges and lessons learnt in the evolving development co-operation partnership and COVID-19 landscape.

On the occasion of this webinar, the GPEDC Co-Chairs will also launch a ‘Country-level Action through Partnership Dialogue’ in support, if needed, of partner country governments and their stakeholders to take action on the most pressing issues. This dialogue could be based on the 2018 results of national multi-stakeholder development effectiveness monitoring, on the challenges related to the COVID-19 crisis and on other relevant inputs of stakeholders, and lead to concrete follow-up actions.

In the face of COVID-19, how partners work together will be key to building back better. This will have a considerable impact on the development trajectories during the ‘Decade of Action’ towards the 2030 SDG deadline. Even before COVID-19, the latest Global Partnership monitoring report highlighted persistent challenges for making development co-operation more effective. These pertain to, for example, development partners’ declining alignment to partner country priorities and country-owned results frameworks; a deteriorating enabling environment for civil society organisations; the challenging role of private sector actors in development; and mixed progress in making development co-operation more transparent. Mutual accountability mechanisms, while they remain strong in some countries, have not adequately adapted to reflect the whole-of-society efforts needed to deliver the SDGs. 

These issues raise questions that this webinar seeks to address (For more information, please review the attached concept note):

  • What are the biggest effectiveness challenges in your country (reflecting also on the results of the Global Partnership monitoring)? What are the main challenges for staying true to the four principles for effective development co-operation in today’s new realities? What collective actions are necessary?
  • How has COVID-19 affected any (or all) of these challenges? Has COVID-19 also led to accelerating any welcome development co-operation practices at country level – from the perspective of all partners? If so, how can such change and the momentum be sustained in the spirit of building back better and to fast-track the ‘Decade of Action’ for SDG implementation?
  • How have you been able to mobilize your development co-operation stakeholders to follow up on effectiveness issues and commitments (including in the follow up to the Global Partnership monitoring)? What are the emerging lessons learnt?