Development co-operation policy: 


Aid Information Management System (AIMS): 

  • Gateway’s Aid Management Programme
    • Gambia has recently joined Gateway’s Aid Management Programme and is preparing to develop an Aid Management Platform – AMP’s software tool – that will complement the Internal Financial Management Information System (IFMIS), which will provide the Ministry of Finance and other policymakers with a more complete picture of the resources dedicated to promoting development in The Gambia.


Development co-operation reports: 


Development cooperation mechanisms: 


Level and actors 

Objectives and related policies 

NDPP Platform (in preparation)

National Level

Multi-stakeholder (MOFED, UNDP)

To foster dialogue, interactions, collaboration, consultations among all stakeholders and increase transparency and accountability. 

National Steering Committee 

National Level


Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee

- Governments (Chaired by Vice President)


High-level National Steering Committee

- Governments (Ministers)

- Donor community, the private sector, CSOs, professional associations, others designated by the Office of the President.


Government-Donor Consultative Forum

- Governments (Chaired by Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs)

- Donor community


National Technical Steering Committee

- Governments

- Donor community, MDAs, the private sector, CSOs.


To strengthen internal coherence in policy, programme implementation, aid coordination,

monitoring and reporting, the Government will undertake a comprehensive review of the

current situation, and draw upon best practices to come up with the appropriate coordination

mechanism/framework for development planning in the country.