This article originally appeared on the GOPAC website.

GOPAC has formally replaced the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) as a steering committee member of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC), representing the parliament constituency. The GPECD was established in 2012, and since then, the IPU has been a member of the steering committee.

GPEDC is a multi-international stakeholder platform dedicated to driving development effectiveness. It was established during the 4th High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, Korea, in 2011 with its outcome document, the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation. The GPEDC then supersedes the High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness. The GPEDC’s establishment is to support the implementation of aid effectiveness at the political level. The OECD and UNDP support the global partnership function under the Joint Support Team (JST) name. The Partnership convenes at the high or ministerial level. Its last summit (the 2022 Effective Development Cooperation Summit) was held in December in Geneva, Switzerland.

As a result of GOPAC membership, the organization is now involved in the international governance mechanism of national monitoring process of aid and development effectiveness. GOPAC and the JST are currently cooperating to include GOPAC members from countries participating in the monitoring process as the focal point of the parliamentary side.

GOPAC involvement is timely as the international community is demanding a more transparent and accountable delivery of development effectiveness. It is also a manifestation of the work of the organization in promoting transparency and accountability in development effectiveness resources. 

The monitoring round tracks the progress of partner countries, development partners, and other actors in implementing their agreed commitments to more effective development cooperation. The exercise drives behavior changes by focusing on how stakeholders’ partner at the country level for better development results. Since 2011, 99 partner countries have led the monitoring exercise in collaboration with development partners and other actors.

GOPAC invites GOPAC members from countries involved in the monitoring round to be the parliamentary focal point for the aid and development effectiveness monitoring process. More information about GPEDC. To see which countries participating in the monitoring round, please click here.

Information on all GPEDC Co-Chairs and Steering Committee members can be found here.