Honduras Action Dialogue 2022


AD 2022 Honduras


Watch the intervention of Ambassador Thomas Gass, Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation, Co-Chair of the GPEDC. 


Within the efforts made towards the sustainable development of Honduras, international support has been and still is significant. Considering that due to the results fo corruption that have prevailed from 2009 to 2021 in the country, and taking into consideration the current national and global context marked by economic, social, political, cultural and environmental challenges, as well as the violations against human rights and persistent levels of inequality, poverty and gender-based violence, now more than ever, it is necessary to join multi-stakeholder efforts aiming towards Effective Development Co-operation to address the challenges collaboratively under a common vision.

Honduras has advanced substantial progress in terms of effective co-operation. However, there are areas that required strengthening and support to achieve the expected results. After the Hurricane Mitch passed through Central America in 1998, the response of the International Community did not wait to take action operating under the generation of a Consultive Group for the Reconstruction and Transformation of Central America . Following this event, in 1999, a G-16 core mandate was established in Honduras through the “Stockholm Declaration .” The Stockholm Declaration, along with the national transformation represent the core mandate for the Group’s work in Honduras.

Within its essence, the purpose of the G-16 has been to follow-up the reconstruction process and, subsequently, the transformation of the country. And since its constitution, it has managed to lay the foundations for a long-term partnership between the Honduran government and the civil society. In the same way that Honduras has made progress since the recovery and reconstruction process up until facing the transformation and development challenges, the G-16 has also evolved in its role.

Additionally, Honduras is a signatory of various Instruments and Resolutions in different High-level Forums of Effective Development Co-operation, such as The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, its Accra Agenda for Action, the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI), the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC), forged in 2011 at the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan.


On November 22nd the III Forum on the Effectiveness of Development Co-operation will be held: Honduras Action Dialogue 2022.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will convene representatives from the local government, the central government, civil society, private sector and academia. The United Nations in Honduras will help with the call to international development co-operation representatives. The objective of the multi-stakeholder dialogue is to provide a multisectoral space to reflect on key topics concerning effectiveness in development co-operation, allowing participants to address current national and global challenges. SRECI will present its vision on effective development co-operation in Honduras and will highlight the main elements to be included in the “National Co-operation Policy for Sustainable Development with a Solidarity, Feminist and Effective Approach”. Additionally, the III Forum aims to generate inputs for the creation of a roadmap  that guides the multisectoral and multistakeholder measures and actions, which must push for the improvement and strengthening of effectiveness in development co-operation.

In this space, key priorities and needs, to which an innovative cooperation mechanism included in the Cooperation Policy must respond, will be identified. At the same time, the dialogue will allow participants to explore effective mechanisms to strengthen the Co-operation Management Platform (PGC, by its Spanish acronym) with the aim of making it more accessible to all development co-operation partners and to linked it to the main monitoring and follow-up systems to improve transparency and accountability. To complement the country’s monitoring efforts, the reformed Monitoring Exercise of the GPEDC for may be considered by Honduras  to support its monitoring of Effective Development Co-operation and speed up its development progress to 2030.


Key Documents

Honduras AD 2022 | Concept Note (ES)
