Development co-operation policy: 

The National Strategy for the Cooperation Sector

  • Strategic goals
    1. An enabling institutional and legislative environment for continuing and developing the cooperative movement
    2. Improving the financial and organizational performance of cooperative societies
    3. Including new categories and fields of work in the cooperative work


Aid Information Management System (AIMS): 

  • According to the World Bank (report available here), the former Development Assistance and Reform Platform (DARP) is being adjusted
  • The World Bank proposed the development of a Palestinian Aid Information Management (PalAIM) System, with the overall objective of supporting the effective design and assure the sustainable roll-out and operation of a national aid information management system


Development co-operation reports: 



Development cooperation mechanisms: 

Mechanism Level and Actors Objectives and Related Policies
The Cooperation Authority is aiming to establish an effective coordination mechanism as outlined in the National Strategy for the Cooperation Sector N.A. N.A.