Development co-operation policy:

  • Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC).
    • This Intended Nationally Determined Contribution is a nationwide cross-sectoral document developed under the UNFCCC in accordance with the paragraphs of Decision 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20. Main concern of the INDC is adaptation - aiming at improvement of Nauru resilience, severely compromised by nearly a century of intensive phosphate mining - with high priorities given to actions that can contribute towards multiple development and resilience objectives simultaneously.
    • Priorities: (i) water security; (ii) energy security; (iii) food security; (iv) healthy environment; and (v) healthy people. These targets must be reached through (i) improvement of the indigenous food supply and potable water availability and storage; and (ii) rehabilitation of the environment and improvement of the health of the population. Thus, the priority actions are arranged under sectors targeting the following areas (i) water; (ii) health; (iii) agriculture; (iv) energy; (v) land management and rehabilitation; (vi) infrastructure and coastal protection; (vii) biodiversity and environment; (viii) community development and social inclusion; and (ix) education and human capacity development.


Aid Information Management System (AIMS):



Development co-operation reports: 


Development cooperation mechanisms:

Mechanism Level and actors Objectives and related policies

The Planning and Aid Division of the Department of Finance and Sustainable


National Level

- Governments

- Development Partners (Australia, ROC-Taiwan, New Zealand, Japan, the

European Union, Korea, India, Russia, Canada, Italy, UAE, ADB, Global Environment Facility (GEF), UNDP, etc.

The Planning and Aid Division shall identify the costs of receiving development assistance funding from individual donors with a view to mainstreaming these as part of the budget process to be tabled before Cabinet.

This is to ensure that all relevant information is included in the processing of

development assistance.