Development co-operation policy:

  • A series of policies are outlined in the MTNDP and will be undertaken in order to achieve the MTNDP (e.g., the Medium-term macroeconomic policy framework for delivering the Medium-term National Development Plan). These policies have been organized into eight broad policy clusters. These clusters also contain the eight leading strategic priorities of government. Cluster 1: Human capital development; Cluster 2: Diversifying the economy and promoting growth; Cluster 3: Infrastructure and economic competitiveness; Cluster 4: Governance and accountability for results; Cluster 5: Empowering women, children, adolescents, and persons with disabilities; Cluster 6: Youth employment, sports, and migration; Cluster 7: Addressing vulnerabilities and building resilience; and Cluster 8: Means of implementation. All these clusters are gender and environmentally mainstreamed.


Aid Information Management System (AIMS): 


Development co-operation reports: 



Development cooperation mechanisms: 



Level and actors

Objectives and related policies

Nationwide consultation in the process of developing the mid-term NDP


National Level

- governments

- multi-stakeholders (MDAs,

development partners, academia and research

institutions, private sector representatives,

community-based organizations, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, youth groups, trade unions, market

women, women’s groups, the disabled and the

elderly, political parties, universities, secondary

schools, inmates of correctional centres, the

judiciary, paramount chiefs, councillors, and

members of parliament)

Extensive nationwide consultations were

conducted at various levels, including regional

and district levels, and with government institutions. There was therefore a frank exchange

of views on district-specific issues, as well as

ideas on how to address national priorities.

ACP Sub-committee on Sustainable Development

International Level

Multi-stakeholders (CSOs, International Organization, regional organization and other partners)

This committee meet to facilitate dialogue and discuss follow-up actions to implement the Paris Agreement, in collaboration with partners, particularly focusing on key issues for the ACP Group of States.