Development co-operation policy:

Activity Development Aid Policy & Management

  • Objectives: The objective of the document is to clarify the preferences of the country in terms of development cooperation. They prefer sectoral aid over project-oriented aid and grants over loans. Moreover, the document clarifies that they appreciate budget support and technical capacity.
  • Principles: country ownership, systems and capacity


Aid Information Management System (AIMS): 



Development co-operation reports: 

Tonga MDG Report - 2015


Development cooperation mechanisms: 

Mechanism Level and Actors Objectives and Related Policies
PTD and Project Tracking Database National level Under the provision of the Ministry of Finance, the division responsible for Project Cycle Management focuses on developing and maintaining a continuing capability and an effective mechanism for project planning and management, including project appraisal and recommending priority projects for consideration under aid programs, monitoring and evaluation of aid projects and programs to determine aid effectiveness, and reporting on progress in terms of results.