Sub-principle 1.A

Define national PSE goals through an inclusive process


Why is it important?


A national private sector engagement strategy (either a stand-alone policy or a section in an overall development co-operation strategy) can set or make reference to regulatory frameworks that companies should follow, identify priority sectors in which companies can operate, set results frameworks around which companies can develop their projects and create predictability. Being part of the development and implementation of the national PSE strategy will give the domestic private sector a stronger voice to inform policy development. Integrating domestic private sector perspectives into a country’s strategic planning and mapping of local systems can help to better identify market constraints and market-based approaches in the design and implementation of PSE programmes and projects that support national priorities. Public-private dialogue to underpin the development of the PSE strategy can ensure that the government is responsive to business and the public interest, and that the policy supports a stronger business-enabling environment that encourages responsible and inclusive growth.

Self-reflection questions
Discover Tool
  • Have you reviewed your government’s national PSE strategy (either a stand-alone policy or a section in an overall development co-operation strategy) to identify national and sectoral development priorities? 
  • Are you aware of your expected role and responsibilities as laid out in your government’s national PSE strategy? How is it reflected in your priorities? 
  • If your country’s government does not have a PSE strategy, do you know how you can help to elaborate and/or define PSE goals at the national and subnational levels? 
  • Have you clearly articulated where you need support from development partners and your national government and where you see specific opportunities for engagement?

Actions to consider
Discover Tool
  • Participate in national consultations: use industry bodies/business associations to set priorities where possible.
  • Advocate for the PSE strategy to be geared towards fair access to development resources for local actors.
  • Engage in regular dialogue with business associations to ensure they represent the interests of their members and the local private sector. 
  • Clearly express your needs and demands to be able to do business effectively and illustrate how you can contribute to delivering national development priorities in an enabling environment.
  • Call on your government to be transparent with its process, procedures and consultations with all stakeholders in the development and monitoring of the national PSE strategy. 
  • Be open to seeking areas of convergence in your own business model and strategies to support inclusive growth and identify areas of shared value while generating business profit. Government policy on sustainability should provide guidance towards that end.

Pitfalls to avoid
Discover Tool


  • Overlook the perspectives and contributions of smaller companies, especially MSMEs, which are unlikely able to participate in consultations on national PSE strategies. 
  • Dismiss government’s perspective in dialogues. 
  • Ignore relevant local and international laws that ensure local and country ownership. 
  • Exclude the active and informed participation of specific stakeholders as part of the dialogue, including workers’ associations and civil society. 
  • Miss aligning your business activities with your country’s long-term development priorities. Defining national PSE goals is a long-term action plan; look at your impact and how you can be involved over a longer period of time.


KEPSA, the Kenyan Private Sector Alliance, engages with all three arms of the Kenyan government to ensure that there is a favourable environment for doing business. It partners with government in passing various policies, strategies and bills and increasing strategic interventions.

Through the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation, member companies can advocate regulatory reforms to incentivise strengthened private sector engagement. It does so through the lens of the four pillars of disaster risk reduction and management.

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