Sub-principle 1.C

Invest in capacities for PSE through development co-operation


Why is it important?


A thriving private sector invested in business and development is integral to achieving and scaling development outcomes in ways that help communities advance their self-reliance and resilience. Building internal capacities to identify the benefits of engaging in development co-operation will help: identify how to benefit from it and the most added-value projects to engage in, influence improvements in the business environment, exploit possibilities for scaling, access funding and a range of stakeholders to enhance business contacts, understand terminology, and meaningfully contribute to the local development agenda.

Self-reflection questions
Discover Tool
  • Do relevant staff responsible for strategic partnerships know what development co-operation is and what opportunities it offers? Do they know what national development strategies are and how to consult them? 
  • Have you identified which skills are needed for staff to effectively engage with the government, development partners and other actors in development co-operation projects?
  • Do you offer training for your staff to make them aware of the opportunities development co-operation can offer your company?
  • Do you know how to tap into procedures that can help strengthen capacity and skills to engage in partnerships and collaborate with government and development partners

Actions to consider
Discover Tool
  • Invest in your staff’s capacity to engage in development co-operation projects, especially on how to engage with civil society and grassroots organisations. Train employees on how to take business decisions for partnerships that are supported by development co-operation based on social and environmental performance. 
  • Include capacity-building activities for relevant staff as part of the activities foreseen in project descriptions with development partners.
  • Support capacity-building activities to facilitate engagement with relevant actors (local government, suppliers, development partners) and assist local associations to support this and promote learning.

Pitfalls to avoid
Discover Tool


  • Assume that you and other businesses are fully aware of opportunities for private sector engagement in development co-operation.
  • Assume that development co-operation projects do not require specific training to be successfully implemented.
  • Focus trainings on maximising business outcomes while neglecting topics with potential negative impacts, such as compliance with human rights and environmental, social and governance standards.


An Egypt Investment Map provides a comprehensive overview of investment opportunities across the country by geographical location and/or economic sector. It also provides information on all major national projects, different sectors and incentives, and development projects categorised by relevant development partners. It also identifies relevant trainings and capacity-building opportunities.

Browse further guidance